Thursday 30 August 2012

how to schedule a message for sending in airtel

Hi friends ,today i will be sharing a new trick for scheduling message for sending in airtel

This trick will schedule SMS to be sent at a time you wish.

This is new service from Airtel, not exactly a trick.

For example:

9895xxxxx 3108 0730 love you
Send it to 52233.
This will send the SMS at 7.30AM on 31st of August.
It will cost just Re.1 per sms.
just use the scheduling message in airtel and enjoy
reply with comments

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Tuesday 28 August 2012

Xp Folder View Does Not Stay To You're Setting

Xp Folder View Does Not Stay To You're Setting., Grab your registry editor and join in

Why Doesn't Windows Remember My Folder View Settings?

If you've changed the view settings for a folder, but Windows "forgets" the settings when you open the folder again, or if Windows doesn't seem to remember the size or position of your folder window when you reopen it, this could be caused by the default limitation on storing view settings data in the registry; by default Windows only remembers settings for a total of 200 local folders and 200 network folders.

To work around this problem, create a BagMRU Size DWORD value in both of the following registry keys, and then set the value data for both values to the number of folders that you want Windows to remember the settings for. For example, for Windows to remember the settings for 5000 local folders and 5000 network folders, set both values to 5000.

Here is how:

Follow these steps, and then quit Registry Editor:

1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
2. Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
4. Type BagMRU Size, and then press ENTER.
5. On the Edit menu, click Modify.
6. Type 5000, and then click OK.


1. Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
2. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
3. Type BagMRU Size, and then press ENTER.
4. On the Edit menu, click Modify.
5. Type 5000, and then click OK.


When you use roaming user profiles, registry information is copied to a server when you log off and copied to your local computer when you log on. Therefore, you may have performance issues if you increase the BagMRU Size values for roaming user profiles.

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Friday 24 August 2012

Tata Docomo proxy trick aug 2012

Hi freinds

Today i am here with you with a proxy trick for tata docomo

The trick is

  • Open Handler Opera and use the following setting
  • Custom http =
  • Socket Server = socket://
  • Proxy type= http
Use this trick with only tatadocomodivein setting.
Note :Minimum balance should be 1 rs
you download handler here
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Thursday 23 August 2012

Aircel new trick aug.2012

Hi Friend's.
This trick is working in Kerala, Tamilnadu 

This trick is quite simple  and is not a VPN or PROXY trick

Just follow the steps below

  • Just  Dial *122*079# on your handset and press call button.

  •  A message will be received saying that "your 3 days 3g service has been activated..."
  • On  After 3 rd day repeat the above procedure again..
One thing just keep the balance above zero any thing like 1paisa or more ,
The speed lies between 550-750 Kbps
just try in your state and comment ..
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Tuesday 21 August 2012

1.5 paise/sec call rate trick for idea

Hi friends,
If your per second plan is over
and now your call rate is cutting @ Rs 1/min
then try this simple trick its free.
just dial. *150*01# than u receive a massage your plan is 1.5 activated for 6 months.
if it is working please comment
 its working in Delhi confirm by me.
Try to your state.
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Solution to SMS limit in India

This post is for helping those people who send too many sms to their friends
I  am mentioning some websites which are used to send messages all over the India .These sites will be very helpful on sending multiple sms

Few sites listed below are

  • Site2sms
  • 160by2
  • FullOnSMS
  • Way2Sms
  • SmsSpark
  • BhokaliSms
  • sms440
  • IndyaRocks
  • SmsABCFreesms8
  • SmsFi
Some site offers multiple reciver
Instant message delevary
No limiton sending messages
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Monday 20 August 2012

Use of search engine by us..Tut3

Google web master information for SEO

Recommendation by experts for good page rank

1. Create pages for user as user or user's are every thing.NO USER NO TRAFFIC.Create pages that are search engine friendly but not for the search engine

2. Website should be user friendly and easy to navigate well linked pages must be well connected to each other

3. The content of the website should be helpful to users as it will make a good impact the visitors.Google and other search engines update them regularly and with good content you will have the chance of good page rank
4. Do not keep the links more than 100 in a page.

Use of search engine  by peoples

Now use of search engine by people is for searching and querying,  now for good SEO optimization a person must think like a searcher who come to the search engine and makes query what to search and what should be the keyword for the best results.
Try to understand the thinking of the searchers ,by this you can work no priecisely

About 80 % of Googler found the relevant information that they were looking for.

Try to make content which can be founded by all Googlers.

This is the thing that all blogger should know .
for any query just comment below.
Share and spread knowledge................................
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Sunday 19 August 2012

How to convert 2g sims to 3g

BSNL-To convert Bsnl 2G Prepaid to 3G Prepaid Send SMS M3G120 to 53733
Then you will get Confirmation SMS Confirm your SMS Send SMS M3G120Y to 53733.
If you realy want to get high speed net with your BSNL SIM.convert it in 3G and recharge ur sim with 100 will get 30 days validity 300mb of 3G data

VODAFONE 3G -You have to send a message  ACT 3G to 111 now just wait for the conformation message now your 3G will be activated and select the WCDMA or UMTS mode for 3G usage and high speed surfing

AIRTEL 3G-Send message  3G to 121 and wait for the conformation  .It will be activated in about one hour and after activation select 3G mode i.e. UMTS OR WCDMA for high speed surfing

IDEA-For converting idea 2G to 3G just send a message ACT3G to 12345 OR 3G TO 54777 simply wait for the conformation then choose 3G gode in phone or data card and start surfing

MTNL 3G-Send a sms  ACT3G to 444 after receiving conformation just switch to 3G mode and start surfing

TATA DOCOMO 3G-Send a message ACT3G to 53333 OR 3GLIFE TO 53333 after reciving conformation just use 3G sim  in 3g device

AIRCEL 3G - For aircel 3G just send a message START 3G to 121on reciving conformation messsage just insert the sim in the 3G device and ejoy the 3G network
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Saturday 18 August 2012

Free PC to mobile call using crowd call

Hi friends this is a new trick which you can use to make a call from PC to mobile for this at
first you have to download 2 files

1 BlueStacks HD AppPlayer Pro (This is an Emulator for Android Application for Windows)
2 CrowdCall 1.0.15 ( Links are below) (This is an Android App which allow you to call other).
link1                            link2                               link3

Features of CrowdCall

  • FREE group/conference calls with people in the US, Canada and over 40 other countries. Super low cost to the rest of the world.
  • Calls are instant – no Signup, no Dial-in number and no PIN number to remember – press the call button and everyone’s phone rings and they are connected.
  • With CrowdCall you have group/conference calls with anyone who has a phone number. They don’t need to have the app to participate in a CrowdCall – they don’t even need a mobile phone!

Steps to do call with Crowd Call

  • Download BlueStacks HD AppPlayer Pro and CrowdCall 1.0.15 from above
  • Install BlueStacks HD AppPlayer Pro and start the AppPlayer by opening Start BlueStacks from desktop or start menu.
  • Now double click on CrowdCall_1.0.15.apk and install it.
  • Now you can see CrowdCall icon on the main screen of BlueStacks HD AppPlayer.
  • Go to settings of BlueStacks HD AppPlayer from bottom right corner and Change App Size of CrowdCall to Tablet
  •  Now come to home screen and open CrowdCall.
  •  From the first screen select your country and enter your mobile number and press OK.
  • Now Close BlueStacks HD AppPlayer window. And Quit BlueStacks HD AppPlayer from TaskBar also.
  •  First of all make sure that BlueStacks HD AppPlayer is completely closed.
  • Now go to C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android for win 7 and copy Data.fs file to safe place as Back Up.
  •  Now feel free to call anyone. Once you get warning of Reached Daily Limit. Just Replace C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android\Data.fs for win 7 with the back upped Data.fs.
  • By replacing file you’re resetting the BlueStacks HD AppPlayer.
  •  Now start calling and have fun as much as you want. No need to reinstall BlueStacks HD AppPlayer ever again.
Note:The Size of Data.fs is 2.00 GB. So keep it safe. It makes your effort and time 95% less
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    New SMS rule according to TRAI from 18/8/12

    Hi friends from today we will be able send only 5sms after sending 5 messages you
    will get  a messsage like this
    "Hi!You havesent 5 SMS today. As per
    Govt. guidelines, you cant send more
    outgoing person to person SMS today. Your
    SMS services will be resumed post
    midnight "

    And after that message, really no more message are going.
    Is it true that again TRAI capped SMS for just 5 SMS per day

    As over 30,000 panic-stricken Indians from the Northeast fled Bangalore after reports of attacks on some of them, Home Secretary RK Singh said that most of the rumours that let to the exodus came from Pakistan from websites, message and clips so the messages are chapped to 5 .
    If you are facing problem discuss with us.
    This will be applicable up to 31st august
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    Wednesday 15 August 2012

    Download direct torrent files more than 8gb using idm free

    I have found the a site which use zbigz's sever you can
    each or create direct links of torrent more than 8 GB ,as zbigz do not allow
    file size more than 8 GB but its older server does .

    You can create a direct account on or if you have zbigz id you
    can login using the same id ,the language of the site is Russian  so it is better to
    open the site on chrome or firefox with google translate plugin installed.

    Download chrome extension for google translate from here
    Download firefox extension for google translate from here

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    Tuesday 14 August 2012

    Download UC Browser 8.4 Official English Symbian

    New in UC Browser 8.4 Symbian S60 Version 

    App Gallery: 

    Just enjoy with install-free apps.First time introduced with Android version, app gallery is used by many users. You can read news, watch videos, sync bookmarks directly from App Gallery.

    Traceless Browsing:

     Their is new feature traceless browsing when it is on, you will leave no surfing record with UC Browser at all, mean browse with no history to trace. 


    Udisk aims Save once, download anywhere.
    It is different from other net disks, as it works with almost all web resources, because it is essentially integrated with the browser.
    Just connect it with UCWeb’s account, and you can save anything to UDisk,from local storage to web resources. Each file has an expiration date, from 7days to infinity. There are 70MB for long-time storage and 2GB for 7-days storage. Extra storage space will be available in the near future.

    QR Code Scan: 

    UC Browser now able to scan the QR code and UC will take you to the website.

    Now, there are: 

    UDisk, for free online storage; Quick Reads, for quick scans on major headlines; as well as Online Bookmarks, accessing your bookmarks anywhere you like. Although the initial version comes with only 3 apps, the app gallery will soon grow to be your web center.


    UCBrowser_V8.4.0.159_S60V5_pf50_(Build12052110).sisx (Symbian S60v5 and above, 1.9 MB)

    link1                  link2                        link3

    UCBrowser_V8.4.0.159_S60V3_pf28_(Build12052110).sisx ( Symbian S60v3, 1.5 MB)

    link1                  link2                        link3

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    Happy Independence Day

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    The Independence Day of India, celebrated on 15 August, is a holiday commemorating India's independence from the British rule and its birth as a sovereign nation on 15 August 1947. India achieved independence following the Indian independence movement noted for largely peaceful nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience led by the Indian National Congress. The independence coincided with the partition of India wherein the British Indian Empire was divided along religious lines into two new nations—Dominion of India (later Republic of India) and Dominion of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan); the partition was stricken with violent communal riots.

    The Independence Day is a national holiday in India. The flagship event takes place in Delhi where the Prime Minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fort, followed by a nationally broadcast speech from its ramparts. The day is observed all over India with flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades and cultural events. Citizens rejoice the day by displaying the national flag on their attire, household accessories, vehicles; varied activities such as kite flying, bonding with family and friends, and enjoying patriotic songs and films are seen.

    Security concerns over militant attacks and sporadic calls for boycotting the celebration by separatist outfits occasionally limit the celebration in some places. Some organisations have carried out terrorist attacks on and around 15 August, and others have declared bandh and used black flags to boycott the celebration. Several books and films feature the independence and partition as pivotal events in their narrative.


    The present-day India was a part of the British Indian Empire. Although the British East India Company started trading in India in the seventeenth century, Company rule in India started from 1757 after the Company's victory in the Battle of Plassey.
    In 1858, following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Government of India Act 1858 led to the British Crown assuming direct control of India. The period after World War I was marked by British reforms but also repressive legislation, by more strident Indian calls for self-rule, and by the beginnings of a non-violent movement of non-cooperation and civil disobedience, of which Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi would become the leader and enduring symbol.During the 1930s, slow legislative reform was enacted by the British; the Indian National Congress won victories in the resulting elections.The next decade was beset with crises: Indian participation in World War II, the Congress's final push for non-cooperation, and an upsurge of Muslim nationalism led by the All-India Muslim League. All were capped by the advent of independence in 1947, but tempered by the bloody partition of the subcontinent into two states: India and Pakistan.

    click here to read more
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    Recharge your tata docomo number and get coupons at paytm

    Recharge Your Tata Docomo Number/T24 @Rs.1/- to get Coupons At Paytm


    • Enter your Tata Docomo / T24 number
    • Select operator Tata Docomo / T24
    • Now enter recharge amout rs.1/-
    • Then click on proceed

    Now you will get an error ==> "We are temporarily experiencing slightly high failures at Tata DOCOMO/T24 Haryana numbers with Rs.1. We suggest you try again in a bit !!Click on Proceed Anyway"

    Select Coupons Of your choice
    Make The Payment Done
    That's all, now enjoy
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    Sunday 12 August 2012

    Airtel 2G 3G GPRS Working trick using Proxy trick

    Friends now i am going to provide a trick for airtel 2g users and airtel 3g users. Airtel is randomly blocking ,this thing we all know, just use this proxy before it get bannned and enjoy.

    Create a network conection with the setting below using the free proxies

    •  Account name : any thing you like just a name
    • Home Page : or
    • Apn:
    • Proxy : or or or
    • Port as 80
    • Save the settings as default. 
    • Now open with default mobile browsers.

    • Try tricks on minimum balance
    • Never use banking and credential information over proxies(they are third party they may store )
    • This is proxy trick can be blocked any time
    • For testing of trick use of new sims is a good option as most of the sims are blocked by airtel
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    Airtel 2g,3g,4g proxy trick upto 19gb support

    Hi friends now I am going to tell you two new proxies one of which supports data transfer up to 19 gb  and with an average speed of about 150kbps for sims which are not blocked and also good speed in 4g sim with 4g data card and about 15-25 kbps in blocked sims

    Setting for browser:

    Port: 80

    Settings for download manager like IDM or DAP based on:

     Proxy: ( 19GB Support ), 
      ( 9GB Support )
     Port: 80

    Note: You can use the above proxy in NetBuster Proxy Pro.

    How to use

    1: Goto the homepages given above.
    2: surf and download something
    3: You will be getting speed of more than150KBPS ( In Unblocked sims and in 4G sim or datacard )
    and 10KBPS - 20KBPS In Blocked Sim
    Step 4: Enjoy free airtel 4G , 3G, 2G speed

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    Friday 10 August 2012

    Free 2.5 gb Gprs data in idea

    Friends a good news for you all

    Friends this is a new trick for iDEA
    just dial

    to get 2.5 GB of internet
    this trick is working in Mumbai ,Karnataka ,Gujarat,
    check in your sate and comment
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    Wednesday 8 August 2012

    Reliance Free 3G on Mobile & PC using handler

    How to Use Reliance Free 3G on Mobile & PC Unlimited with Downloading, Torrents, Streaming, Browsing etc?

    1. Make your balance below 1rs or zero

    2. Create a connection as settings below
    proxy server=

    3.see images below
    4.Use any handler for surfing

    working in punjab delhi hariyana check in your state and comment

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    Tuesday 7 August 2012

    SEO and its need-Tutorial1

    SEO stands for “search engine optimization” ,it is the process of optimizing the website such that it comes on top in search results of search engine . It is done by changing some by on the webpages adding meta tags adding description to website which results ina huge traffic to our website.If your website is optimized properly sing SEO techniques, it will be having a good google page rank also called "PR" .Page rank is scaling of website between 0 to10,depending on your website a page rank is alloted to your site between 0 to 10 .higher the page rank higher the probability of coming your site on top .

    This tutorial for making you aware about the various aspects starting from analysis of keywords to traffic generation and making the website or blog search engine friendly and we will also provide some tips thet you can't find any where.

    Need for SEO

    Most of the traffic to any website or blog comes through search engines like google ,yahoo, bing ask etc, Now if your site is not founded by the search engine and your site is not indexed by the search engine  then you loose a huge amount of visitor which you may get if your website is optimized using relevant keywords and related content. Taking an example of search "need for seo" your site should come on top if it has the related content to need for seo.

    Their is more than 9000k search's per month on web 
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    Friday 3 August 2012

    Aircel 3g trick august 2012

    Friends here is a trick for aircel 3g which is being currently used by me

    Just follow the steps below

    1.Recharge with any 3g cum 2g pack ie 14, 27,67etc don't recharge with packs of Rs7 or 8
    2.Use all the high speed data .
    3. Now recharge with Rs 8 pack or (7 as per available in your state)
    4.Now connect your mobile or modem or datacard  and use upto 60 min.
    5.After sometime your net will disconnect and now your 3g is free

    Just enjoy 3g high speed surfing using aircel
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    Free internet on idea

    In this trick i will tell you all about the latest idea 3g internet trick, how can you access free internet on your mobile as well as on your Personal Computer…

    Idea 3G Internet Daily Rs5 Rental Plan trick
    First activate idea daily rental 3G High speed Internet Plan
    Activate Dial*567*910# and get daily unlimited 3G high speed fast internet browsing and downloads
    Idea Daily3G plan automatically renew next day
    Idea 3G internet accesspoint APN: imis
    Must Maintain your idea mobile balance above Rs 10 for surf and downloads
    night time reduce you balance below Rs 5/-
    make calls and send sms ( balance detected time from 11pm to 3am),
    don’t recharge for that day
    Repeat this 3G hacking tricks

    your balance will be used for calls and sms not for 3G Internet.

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    Free Idea GPRS Trick

    Idea GPRS tricks are very demanding now a days so I am going to provide latest 100% working GPRS tricks for Idea.

    1. Download Opera MINI from link below


    link1                link2                link3

    2. Change the setting in this web browser

    Idea Apn : imis
    Port : 8080
    Proxy :
    After Changes made you can easy access the free GPRS on your Idea Internet Network….
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    Thursday 2 August 2012

    100% Working 3G Trick For Idea

    Friends , i am here with a trick for free internet in idea
    You need Idea 3g enabled SIM card and Download the setting for 3g internet connection.

    After Doing This Download The Opera Mini And UC Web Browser From Given links below


    link1                link2                link3

    UC Browser

    link1                link2                link3
    • After Download one of the browser Use the APN to internet
    • Go to the NETWORK SETTINGS >> Proxy Type = Real Host
    • Proxy Server = or
    • port no. =80 
    just enjoy idea 3g....
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