Wednesday 4 July 2012

Cross-Browser Extension for Your Website or Blog

What is Cross-Browser Extension? When you open a site or Blog in your browser (Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Internet Explore), you can see a text line Add This Site To Your Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Internet Explore Browser!. What is this? It is a Add-On for Site or Blog to add a button in your browser. When you click Add button putted after above line. It will automatically add Site or Blog button to your extension bar. When you click this button, you will see all updates of that Site or Blog without open that Website or Blog and stay updated with it’s latest Updates.

Make a Cross-Browser Extension for Your Website or Blog

Note:- This Add-On works on Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer browser.

1.  Go to Extension Factory.
2.  Now enter your Website or Blog URL in text box:
3.  After enter URL click “Create your extension” button:

4.  If your blog is on Wordpress, then simply click on get our plug-in! and follow the instruction given in the page. If you have Blogger blog then select all code from box and copy code.

5.  Go to Blogger

6.  Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML

7.  Then find this code by pressing CTRL + F key:
8.  Paste code exact above searched code and save your template

Next time when you scroll down your blog, you will see a bar that offers you to add blog button(Cross Browser Add-On) to your browser. After some time you can notice increased traffic of your blog. With this Add-On you can engage your audience and push your contents to all major browsers. Your website or blog gets broadcasted in a unique way to new content channels. So you can also create your own custom extension in less than 10 sec. Start now and create extensions for your websites. This Cross Browser Add-On uses your RSS feeds and handle the complexity of developing browser add-ons for different platforms. So try it in your own blog and  convert in one click your RSS feeds into customized, cross-browser add-ons!. Apply this trick, and add here your desirable comment.

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