Wednesday 18 July 2012

Tips to increase backlink of blog or website

Now a days number of websites are growing  rapidly, keeping our blog website on top of search engine is quite tough, but for this purpose backlink serves one of the key factor to increase chance of  finding our blog in the top results of search engines .All of the search engines google, bing , yahoo ,ask etc serve as the main source of traffic apart from this social  networking also helps alot in building traffic. As google is the best and fastest search engine most people try google first then other search engines. Now i will tell you how to increase number of  backlink in a blog.

Some ways to increase the backlinks are:

  • Exchange  of link

    The simplest and the most common method is of exchanging your links to your friend bloggers ,website holder or web developer or any person owning any kind of website this process will help in increase of baclklinks to your website.

  • Social Bookmarking of websites :
    Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to organize, store, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online. Many online bookmark management services are available like Delicious, digg, stumble, AddThis, ShareThis,etc. they can act as source of visitors from various countries.
  • Forums :

    Join forums it helps in increasing backlinks of website or blog. Sharing links on renowned forum and commenting with links helps in increasing backlink.It can be a good source of  traffic.
  • Provide good Quality Content :

    Clarity in words ,simplicity in sentences,using simple word are few feature for writing good quality articles. If you provide good quality of content then visitor will be sticking to your blog. Good content provide good keywords in case of blogger.   
  • Submition of posts  to articles directories:

    Submiting your posts or writing article of your post in article directories like Go articles, site-reference, ehow, squidoo and Ezine Articles, It helps the other webmaster to post your content in their website and refering your site .
  • Discussion forum :
    participation on discussion forum also helps lot in building backlink.commenting and referring peoples  builds good reputation of website

Above are the few tips for building good backlinks to your website

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